JET Agriculture 2024 Preparation Test Online Syllabus Wise [Free Mock]

JET Agriculture 2024 Preparation Test Online

All Indian Students now get JET Agriculture 2024 Preparation Test Online Syllabus Wise [Free Mock] here on this page. The JET Agriculture exam is also known by the Rajasthan JET. Joint Entrance Test (JET Agriculture), is a state-level examination that is administered by Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology in Udaipur Rajasthan. This entrance test will allow applicants to be admitted to various courses in agriculture. Many colleges in Rajasthan offer admission to agriculture courses based on JET Agriculture scores. The following article contains all you need to know about JET Agriculture 2024 online test preparation, syllabus, test centers, and preparation tips.

JET Agriculture 2021 Preparation Test Online Syllabus Wise [Free Mock]

JET Agriculture 2024 Preparation Test Online Syllabus Wise [Free Mock]

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JET 2024 Exam Pattern Marks Division

Below is detailed information on the JET Agriculture Exam Pattern.

  • Exam Mode: Rajasthan JET’s exam will be conducted in offline mode according to the latest pattern.
  • Question Type: Multiple-choice questions will be asked on the exam paper.
  • Language Medium: This paper is available in Hindi and English.
  • Total Questions: The exam will contain 200 questions.
  • Exam Duration: This test takes approximately 2 hours to complete.
  • Each correct answer will earn you 4 points.
  • Negative marking: For every unsuccessful attempt, 1 mark will be deducted.

Below is a list of questions that students can ask about different subjects in the entrance exam.

Subjects Number of questions
Physics 40
Chemistry 40
Mathematics 40
Agriculture 40
Biology 40
Total 200 questions

JET Agriculture 2024 Syllabus

The JET Agriculture Syllabus can be viewed online by students via the website. Questions will be asked from a variety of topics, including Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics and Chemistry.

The Agriculture University, Kota will prescribe the syllabus. The syllabus for 11th and 12th-level students can be used to study and prepare for exams.

You can prepare for an online test subject-wise:

JET Exam 2024 Agriculture Syllabus

Unit 1: General knowledge and proficiency in agriculture

Unit 2: Importance and importance of vegetable and fruit production

Unit 3: Importance livestock in agriculture

JET Exam 2024 Biology Syllabus

Botany Section A: Unity of Life. Cell division. Plant water relation. Continuity of Life. Mutations.

Unit – B: Environment Biology, Environmental Factors Climatic, Ecosystem Concept, Food Chain and Food Web, Environmental Pollution-Air, Noise pollution-sources, and Effects, Causes of the Extinction of Wildlife.

Unit -C: Botany and Human Welfare. Fruits, Cereals. Medicinal plants. Millets. Sugar. Pulses. Oilseeds, fibers and Medicinal plants.

Biology Test Online Prepare Here

JET Test 2024 Zoology Syllabus

Invertebrates: A description of animals and their economic significance with particular reference to Agriculture. Protozoa and Platyhelminthes. Annelids. Mollusca. Chemical control. Physical and mechanical control.

Vertebrates: Nutrition of animals, Respiration and Circulation in animal, Asexual & Sexual reproduction in animal, Reproduction & Development, Gametogenesis, Reproductive System, Mechanism for fertilization.

JET Zoology Test Online here

JET Test 2024 Chemistry Syllabus

Unit – A: Periodic Table, Structure of Atom and Periodicity In Properties, Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure.

Unit – B: The Colloidal State of Matter, Crystalloid, and Colloids, Properties and Metals, d-Block Elements, Metals Nature of Metallic State, Emulsion, Preparation and Chemistry of Colloids, Extraction and Oxidation States, Lyophilic and Lyophobic Colloids.

Unit – C, Valency of carbon, Hybridisation and Structure and Reactivity. (Grignard reactants) Oregano Metallic compounds. Unsaturated Hydrocarbons. Organic Chemistry based upon functional groups. Aliphatic amines. Synthetic and Natural polymers. Chemistry in Action.

JET Chemistry Test Online here

JET Entrance Exam 2024 Mathematics Syllabus

Mathematics: Relations and Algebra of Complex Numbers, Mathematics, Matrices. Coordinate geo-coordinate geometry. Application of definiteintegrals to find the area of a region bound, Definite integral, Integration of functions. Methods of integration. Vector. Methods of integration, Successive differentiation and Parabola.

JET Mathematics Test Online here

JET Entrance Exam 2024 Physics Syllabus

Unit A: Dynamics of particles, Examples of circular motion and Rotational motion. Nature of rotational movement, motion of single particle in plane torque. Motion of particles under different types or potentials.

Unit – B, Heat & Thermodynamics. Thermodynamics. Thermal expansion. Heat & Temperature. Calculation of M.I. Radiation, pendulum or particle swinging in vertical plane. Diffraction: diffraction phenomena. Zeroth law.

Unit – C, Waves, Wave Optics. Wave motion, longitudinal, and transverse waves.

JET Physics Online Test here

JET Agriculture 2024 Preparation Tips

  • For the 2024 session exam, students must be familiar with JET Agriculture preparation tips in order to pass it.
  • You can find all information about JET Agriculture syllabus, exam pattern and more.
  • Follow the timetable to score high in the exam
  • Take care of yourself and stay healthy to be able to focus on exams.
  • Keep track of important topics and study them daily.
  • Learning is not enough to be successful. Mock tests can be used to assess candidates’ preparation.
  • Sample papers and exam papers from previous years are available for you to practice.

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